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Difference Between Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Difference Between Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Generally, the distinguishing factors between graphic novels and comic books are their length and structure. Contrary to beliefs, graphic novels aren’t adult versions of comic books; therefore, using these words synonymously is a major misconstruction. While both formats follow the illustration-based storytelling format, there are significant differences.

This article clearly outlines their differences.

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels are a more complex text piece that tells a complete story via illustrations. Following a storyline and classic art structure, it comprises a beginning, centre, and end. This book format may be fiction or nonfiction. It has a protagonist or a group of protagonists, characterisation, plot development, and other literary components.

History and Evolution of Graphic Novels

The origin of graphic novels is traced to the father of graphic novels, Will Eisner, who used it on his book cover, A Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories. The book containing four organised short stories, paved the way for other artists to explore this storytelling format.

Characteristics of a Graphic Novel

  • Layout: The pages in a graphic novel are designed to make the story more exciting. Unlike comics with straight boxes, graphic novels use different shapes and designs to create a more interesting story.
  • Visuals:Graphic novels contain advanced and more detailed art than comics. It gives a cinematic experience to readers using engaging visuals. Due to the space available, the artist can draw detailed backgrounds with more touches to the characters.
  • Complex Storytelling:Graphic novels contain well-structured plots, characters, backstories, and plot twists that make them longer and more detailed than comics.
  • Emotional Depth: Graphic novels develop emotional connections with the readers through relatable characters and situations,
  • Text Usage: Like any novel, a graphic novel tells stories. The text blends with the images or sometimes part of the visuals. This gives graphic novels extra story depth.

Types of Graphic Novels

The five main styles of graphic novels include:

  • Manga
  • Superhero stories.
  • Non-superhero stories
  • Personal narratives
  • Non-fiction

Examples of Graphic Novels

Some of the popular graphic novels include:

  • Mausby Art Spiegelman
  • Watchmenby Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
  • Persepolisby Marjane Satrapi
  • 100 Bulletsby Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
  • Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kidon Earth by Chris Ware
  • This One Summerby Mariko Tamaki
  • V for Vendettaby Alan Moore and David Lloyd
  • Daddy’s Girl by Debbie Drechsler
  • Ghost World and Ice Havenby Daniel Clowes

Comic Books

A comic book is an excerpt from a larger serial narrative told via illustration. Unlike graphic novels, comics are shorter and written in series. Comics might feature stories about a particular character or group of characters such as Superman, Godzilla, or Hellboy. Mainstream comic publishers in the USA are Marvel’s Spiderman, Captain America, and D.C Comics’ Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman.

History and Evolution of Comic Books

Since the 20th century, this concept has been in place and is traditionally associated with superheroes and adventure genres. The golden age of comics started in 1938 introducing iconic superheroes like Superman and Batman. Today, comic books are recognised as a form of literature with some superheroes coming to life on the big screen.

Characteristics of Comic Book

Although comic books are perceived as being made for children, they cater for a wider audience. They convey detailed plots, concepts, and messages through a unique combination of visuals and text. Comic books utilise specific characteristics to narrate their stories and captivate their audience. These include:

  • Vivid Visuals:Comic books use lively artwork to bring the story to life. Various artistic styles are used to depict movement and intense emotions.
  • Sequential Storytelling:The panel arrangement in comics directs the reader’s attention and controls the flow and timing of the narrative. This plays a crucial role in establishing rhythm and emphasising vital moments.
  • Symbolic Colour:Comic book colours convey aesthetic appeal often used to represent the heroes and action. It is also used to depict a more serious atmosphere.
  • Literary Components:Comic books use unique textual elements such as dialogue balloons, onomatopoeia, and narrative captions. These components complement the visuals by providing context and insights into the characters’ thoughts and emotions.
  • Diverse Storytelling:Comic books cover various genres, ranging from superhero narratives and science fiction to horror, fantasy, romance, and historical dramas.  It reflects the vast scope of human imagination and experiences.

Types of Comic Books

The major types of comic books include:

  • Superhero
  • Slice-of-Life
  • Humour
  • Non-fiction
  • Science-Fiction/Fantasy
  • Horror

Examples of Comic Books

Some of the famous comic book series include:

  • The Incredible Hulk
  • The X-Men
  • The Fantastic Four
  • The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Wonder Woman
  • Archie
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • The Sandman

Differences Between Graphic Novels and Comic Books

  • Storytelling and Artwork

Comic books are known to captivate readers with serialised storytelling, while graphic novels offer complete stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end.  Graphic novels offer a more comprehensive storytelling experience and allow artists to delve into more detailed backgrounds than comic books.

  • Length and Format

Comic books are published in series with a storyline spanning about thirty-two to fifty pages, however, graphic novels are complete stories that range from forty-eight pages to several hundred.

  • Content and Complexity

Comics typically centre on stories of superheroes while graphic novels explore a wider range of intricate themes and genres, such as memoirs and historical fiction.

  • Publication

Comic books are launched in series while graphic novels are usually complete stories and don’t adhere to strict release schedules.

In conclusion, graphic novels follow a long-form narrative with complex characters, while comic books are serialised publications with shorter, periodical stories centred on specific characters.

Are you an aspiring graphic novelist or comic book creator, BookSpider provides you with a platform to bring your stories to life. Contact us today, and let’s bring your vision to reality.