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5 Writing Challenges That Can Boost Your Creativity

5 Writing Challenges That Can Boost Your Creativity

Everyone faces challenges in writing. Whether you’re writing a fictional or non-fictional book, or short-form content, you may find yourself struggling with creativity or the zeal to continue with that project. At this point, you begin to recycle content without hitting the right points of the writing task.

If this describes you, then you need to spark up your creativity.

We’ve put together a short list of five challenges that can boost your creativity as a writer. Try them out and share your experience with us.

  1. Explore a different genre: Every writer or author has a genre or two they are most comfortable with, one they often write in. It could be nonfiction or fiction.

To stretch your creativity, learn to challenge yourself to write in other genres. Choose a genre you’ve never written in before or one that is not your area of strength and give it a try. Read up on how writing in that genre works, then go for it.

  1. Write on a random topic:If you get writer’s block while on a project, a good way to spark your creativity is to do something different. Find inspiration online; pick a random topic and explore that diversion from your main work.

With this challenge, you don’t necessarily need to change your genre. You can still write long or short-form content in your area of expertise. While this may push you out of your comfort zone, it will help you develop new creative muscles.

  1. Write one article per day:If you want to write more or write faster, develop the habit of writing one article daily. Sometimes, it may seem like it doesn’t make any difference, but keep going. Build this habit for one month and watch your creativity skyrocket. In the end, you would have enough articles for a book project. You would have also improved your ability to think and create.
  2. Join a writer’s group:Being among a team of writers can bring you some peace because you’d be able to easily tap into the knowledge of that network. You get to learn from others – their experiences, mistakes, failures, victories and breakthroughs.
  3. Join a writing challenge: By joining a challenge with other writers, you build your dedication towards meeting deadlines and staying accountable to your goals. One of such challenges is The National Novel Writing Month. It is a yearly writing challenge that runs from 1st November through to 30th November. Participants must write 50,000 words in one month and a minimum of 1,700 daily to win this challenge. With this kind of challenge, you can be sure to build a consistent writing habit and record continuous improvement in your craft.

These five simple (but not-so simple) challenges are great ways to boost your creativity as a writer. We will love to hear from you what other ways have you been able to turbo-charge your creativity as a writer. Share in the comment below.