The Importance Of A Rough Draft
A rough draft is a document that has the idea you want to portray but lacks quality and accuracy. There is a reason why it is called a rough draft, and you will find out more as you read this article to the end.
If you must write your book, for example, then you must be patient to bring your ideas to life.
You can do this by first getting them out of your head and on paper the basic ingredients of the work. Your book at its basic form could be called a rough draft.
A rough draft is what it is, rough.
In agreement with this, John Dufresne, an American author, said, ‘The purpose of the first draft is not to get it right but to get it written’.
The ideas you put down maybe disorganised or lack the professionalism you desire at first, but be patient; it will all make sense soon. You will have the time to fill in more details and restructure every sentence to reflect quality.
A rough draft is an integral part of writing, and the following are a few reasons why:
- You start your writing process:
As they say, starting is the most essential yet challenging aspect of any project – including writing. After doing your research, the thought of writing may seem scary or confusing at first. However, writing down everything that comes to your mind creates a pattern you can follow as you proceed. The ideas you pen down may lack quality in punctuation, grammar, or presentation, but by penning them down, you can say that your writing process has begun.
- It lets your creativity express itself.
When you know your writing is allowed to look its worst as a rough draft, you become willing to give your creativity free rein. You become free to explore characters and writing styles because you understand that the planned out book or content can take a different turn in the course of the writing refinement. As a writer with a rough draft, it is okay to make mistakes.
- You can feel and touch your ideas.
With a rough draft in your hands, you have a better understanding of your ideas: what to add or remove, how to proceed, and if you should follow the structured outline or create a new one. The story may even change totally because you are now more aware of better ways to present your idea. Creating drafts will help you visualise your book or article and gauge how much more work you still need to do.